This was the expression on my face after reading Caryl Churchill's Far Away;
a slight panic, the sense that something is being swept away and the rather sharp taste at the back of my throat (which was actually carbonated apple juice, but that's just the point, apple wasn't made to be CARBONATED, and nor was the world made to be destroyed like in Churchill's disturbing narrative).
The Guardian on Far Away:
"we sleepwalk towards a future in which governments have played on terror to make us fear ourselves and in which resource wars set country against country."
Doesn't seem much unlike the present to me.
If you've never read any Caryl Churchill, or like reading different writer's visions of a distopian future, I definitely recommend this piece. I'm going to see if it's possible to shoehorn into my A Level performance exam...
Here's a couple of quotes I really liked...
Harper(on butterflies)
They can cover your face. The Romans used to commit suicide with gold leaf, just flip it down their throat and it covered their windpipe, I think of that with butterflies.
Joan(on her journey home)
There were piles of bodies and if you stopped to find out there was one killed by coffee or one killed by pins, they were killed by heroin, petrol, chainsaws, hairspray, bleach, foxgloves...
There's thousands dead of light in Madagascar...
Who's going to mobilise darkness and silence? That's what I wondered in the night.
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